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contoh kalimat a number of

"a number of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • And what came up was a number of pieces of data.
    Lalu muncul sejumlah potongan-potongan data.
  • They've lived in Italy for a number of years.
    Mereka tinggal di Italia selama beberapa tahun.
  • I think there's a number of pillars to success.
    Saya percaya ada sejumlah fondasi untuk sukses.
  • 'This contravenes a number of by-laws and article 27...'
    Ini bertentangan dengan hukum dan artikel 27
  • I arranged a number of operations of... questionable legality.
    Aku mengatur beberapa operasi yang... legalitasnya dipertanyakan.
  • And it's existence has been verified a number of times
    Dan keberadaannya sudah diteliti berulang kali
  • There are a number of crystal skulls in the world.
    Ada banyak tengkorak kristal di dunia.
  • Well, I can think of a number of different things.
    Aku bisa pikir beberapa hal berbeda,
  • We're looking at a number of possibilities right now.
    Kami sedang melihat sebuah sejumlah kemungkinan sekarang.
  • I've been seeing a number of very, very nice ladies.
    Aku ketemu banyak sekali gadis cantik.
  • The trust operates a number of ambulances in Mumbai.
    Kepercayaan itu menghasilkan sejumlah ambulans di Mumbai.
  • We have a number of undocumented ships in-bound.
    Kami melihat beberapa pesawat tak terdaftar sedang mendekat.
  • I chair a number of programs for Mr. Yasumoto.
    aku menangani sejumlah program untuk Mr Yasumoto.
  • I'd been on a number of expeditions with Conrad.
    Aku berada pada sejumlah ekspedisi dengan Conrad.
  • He was pursuing a number of extremely dubious positions.
    Dia mengejar sejumlah posisi yang sangat meragukan.
  • County says you have a number of bullet wounds.
    County bilang kau punya banyak luka tembak.
  • We found a number of dead bodies surrounding the perimeter.
    Kami menemukan sejumlah mayat disekeliling perimeter.
  • The case against her is compelling on a number of fronts.
    Bukti tentang aktifitasnya sangatlah meyakinkan.
  • There were a number of accidents involving Gozo boats.
    Terdapat sejumlah kecelakaan yang melibatkan kapal Gozo.
  • The club has a number of partners at the stadium.
    Klub memiliki sejumlah mitra di stadion.
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